Published on November 28, 2004 By Sleeping Dragon In Religion
I’m a bit at a loss for words,
No…More than that.
I’m completely undone,
Torn apart at the seams,
When I think about the friendship,
And grace
That has been shown me by an individual. I absolutely have to try to explain, in the hope that at least one person might understand, and my tears that appear suddenly at times won’t be tears shed alone.

Imagine, if you will, that you have been tried in a court of law and been found guilty of the murder of an innocent. You were found guilty because you were, indeed, guilty. Many of us cannot imagine an uglier crime. But you did it.
You have regret,
But you did it.
You stand before a jury of your peers who are about to sentence you.
A bead of sweat falls down your temple.
This is it. This is your life …on the line.
You’re sentence is read,
“life in prison”
You’re going to be behind bars the rest of your life. No freedom … at all.
No trees or birds or walks in the park.
No pets or sunsets.
No sharing stories with a friend over a cup of coffee.
No fishing.
Only concrete
And bars.
There is a pause after your punishment is announced, that seems like an eternity.
An entire life of regret flashes before you.
Decisions you made that you should have made differently,
Mistakes you made,
Times you were a victim of life
And a victim of pain …internally
All the time, some sort of pain.
At the time, you always thought you were doing your best,
But here you are, convicted of a crime you didn’t think you were capable of committing.

Suddenly the Judge’s voice brings you back to the present.

“You are guilty of this crime. And the law says that there has to be a debt paid to punish the crime. There is nothing I can do to change that. That is the law of this court, the law of the land, the law of the universe. Period.

But I’ll tell you what I will do.

I live in a very nice house. Judges make a lot of money, and the house is well furnished.
I drive a luxury car.
I have a daughter and a son that I love very much.
My wife is the most supportive, loving person that you’ll ever meet.
She cooks so well, that the aroma of her cooking is enough to feed you.
I don’t want to live without any of these things. They are my life.

But I will go to prison for you, and serve your sentence, if you agree to take my place in this world.”

“WHAT DID HE SAY?” You ask out loud.
“I said that I want you to live my good life, and I will spend my life in prison for you”
“Love” he says.
“Love has no boundaries” he says.

The guards come and handcuff this good man and bring him to prison. You go on and live a life that most people only dream about. But every day you think of that man in prison.
Every time you smell a flower or eat a meal or take a child by the hand
You remember the sacrifice made
For you. Unworthy you. Criminal you.
And you live your life, every day, in honor of that man.

You see where I’m going?
Jesus did that for me.
And for you.
When He died on the cross for our sins.
When I think of it, I’m completely at a loss as to how to respond,
Except …
To live my life, like one who has been forgiven,
Like one who has been shown mercy,
Like one who knows compassion.
Like one who owes a debt, … to live for Him, who died for me.

on Dec 09, 2004
Wow. That's powerful. I hope alot of people read this SD. If you don't mind, I'd like to copy and paste it and e-mail it to my address book. I'll give you credit for writing it.
on Dec 09, 2004
You may, of course, do with it what you will. No credit necessary. Use it for Him. In the end He deserves the credit for all good things.

Thanks for the comments.
on Dec 20, 2004
You're a good man and I wish you well. All the best and Merry Christmas!
on Dec 20, 2004
Thanks Yrgal. Merry Christmas to you, my friend.
on Dec 20, 2004
It is true...God loved his creatures so much that he decided to sacrifice His Own and Beloved Son for each one of us,so that he or she that will believe in Him will never die but they will live for ever in the everlasting eternity.......
If we could realise this we would stop being so unkind and evil and fleshlovers but we do not stop to think about these values because pleasures of life have made us slaves to lust and materialism...and me who says all these do not think that i am different than those that i've just described ...maybe much worse ....but I believe in Him ,He is my life and salvation and I beg for His mercy for my eternal soul...........
on Dec 20, 2004
Thanks for commenting helenangel. One thing you should realize (although you probably already know) is that God wants good things for His children. You are his prize. A real treasure in His eyes. Believe it. God doesn't make any junk. And He knows how to give good gifts. Jeremiah 29:11 says so. Read it if you get the chance. I hope you have a great Christmas Helen of Troy!!!

Stay in touch!!
on Oct 11, 2005
Refreshing to read. Thanks for posting this.

on Jan 16, 2006
Hi, was crying when i read this, very very moving.

Thank you
