Published on March 27, 2005 By Sleeping Dragon In WinCustomize Talk
Thanks for your patience, putting up with my long windedness the last few days. This is my favorite Holiday. This will be the last testament for this Holiday by me. Then back to my typical long windedness.

"No one is exempt from tragedy or disappointment - God Himself was not exempt. Jesus offered no immunity, no way out of the unfairness, but rather a way THROUGH it to the other side. Just as Good Friday demolished the instinctive belief that this life is supposed to be fair, Easter Sunday followed with its startling clue to the riddle of the universe. Out of the darkness, a bright light shone.
The primal desire for fairness dies hard, and it should. Who among us does not sometimes yearn for more justice in this world here and now. Secretly, I admit, I yearn for a world "fault-proof" against disappointment, a world where my work always finds acceptance and my body does not grow old and weak, where sickness and terror do not run rampant. But if I stake my faith on such a fault-proof earth, my faith will let me down. Even the greatest of miracles do not resolve the problems of this earth: all people who find physical healing eventually die......"
'To be commanded to love God at all, let alone in the wilderness, is like being commanded to be well when we are sick, to sing for joy when we are dying of thirst, to run when our legs are broken (or our heart is). But this is the first and greatest commandment, nonetheless. Even in the wilderness, especially in the wilderness - you shall love Him.'
-Fred Buechner

on Mar 27, 2005
Happy Easter, Bill.
on Mar 27, 2005
Happy Easter, Donna. Where is your guitar?
on Mar 27, 2005
I decided I just wanted a change for now. And I still haven't come up with a way to make the guitars look any better. I'm not sure what to do. I'd like to be able to change them into a vector type graphic so they look cleaner, but I don't know how to do that. Any suggestions?

Hope you had a great day, Bill.

on Sep 06, 2005

sorry, I didn't look at the date, I'll be back in the spring.
on Sep 06, 2005