Well I gotta tell ya, some of these personal icons are awesome. Jinn Fizz and Stupendous Man are two of my favorites. I'm interested in the meaning behind them. To some it just looks cool, to some there may be some history. Also, I think I know why BoXXi's is a box, but I don't know why he's BoXXi. What makes Corky_O Corky? Why does butch have a 123 and a motorcycle? What's a Jafo? Why did sbgFX kill the Spyder?

So if you got a minute, tell us why you chose your nickname and what, if anything, your icon represents.

I won't go first this time. Someone else.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 22, 2005
Wizop Fuzzy Logic, can you explain that again? I'm a little fuzzy on the concept. Oh man!!!Heh!

Well, I just recently changed my nickname here at Wincustomize. When I registered a little over a year ago, I had no idea that I might someday become a part of the "community" as someone who might actually attempt creating anything here. I joined just to be able to customize my desktop. I get bored easily looking at the same old thing. I really don't know why, but I simply signed on using my first name and last initital. As I have become more involved I just decided that I wanted to use the nickname I've used in every other site I've registered at.


The first site I registereed at was a music site. I've been interested in guitars and music since I was ten years old. Although I have a passion for music and especially guitars, for me personally, it's always been my feeling that no matter the instrument, no matter the musician, no matter the performance, it all begins with the song. I've written a number of songs over the years, some I'm not too proud of, but some I am quite proud of. I still dream of someday writing that "perfect" song. Anyways, when I joined that first music site, I wanted to give myself a name that would describe where my priority lies in music. The site wouldn't accept just the word songs, so I put my age before it and 47songs is what I ended up with. That is the nickname I'm known for with friends I've made on those sites, so it's stuck ever since.

And my icon? I've collected numerous classic guitars over the years, but my newest is the 00028ec model that Eric Clapton used on his MTV Unplugged performance. It is a dream to play and my favorite guitar since I bought it 2 years ago. It's also the first icon I ever made. Therefore...

on Jan 22, 2005
To measure degrees of truth -

We humans are truly "amazing animals".

Good one, Fuzzy.
on Jan 22, 2005
The story behind my nickname is long and boring, and the name really doesn't mean a whole lot to me anymore, but it's the name I've always used since I started surfing in '99, so I'm sticking with it since it's always been my online ID.

As for the icon...I've loved Godzilla since I was a wee tot, there's just something about a guy in a rubber monster suit running around on a set and stomping cardboard buildings that entertains me, makes me laugh, and to me, is the epitome of coolness. I like how they've spiffed 'Zilla up over the years, and one of my favorite improvements is how his spines light up when he breathes fire. I stumbled across the photo last fall when I decided I needed a new icon at Rotten Tomatoes, and I've grown to like it so much I use it everywhere. Because Godzilla rocks.

Glad you like it, SD!
on Jan 22, 2005
Well, then name Butch came from a little dog I had...loved that little guy, but got old and passed waway. He was a Boston Bull Terrier...sweetest little thing you could ever see, if you didnt mind looking at a pig face with puffy eyes..just sweet. And the Harley because thats what I had, and thats the only bike I consider to be a bike, and not for the status reason..I like the comfort...oh just everything about the bike. Hope this answers it.
on Jan 22, 2005
I haven't found an iccon yet an I have no skill in creating one. My profiel pic is my youngest daughter and I have been playing with stylizing something along those lines.

The nick is about 11 years old. I was working at a sporting good store and we had lost a pallet of Zubaz pantsLink. So our shipping guy is yelling over and over again "Zubaz! Zubaz!" I finally answered, "What?!?!?"

Lesson learned.
on Jan 22, 2005
First, what my nick DOESN'T mean...

1) It's NOT the simpsons guy (i've never even seen the character)
2) And I'm not a doctor! (...yet!)

Where it really came from...6 years ago one of the girls in my class started calling me Doctor Nick, so the name just stuck.
on Jan 22, 2005
My nick is just a combination of Australia and Fischer (my family name). It comes from the times when there was no instant messaging and I (originally from Switzerland) had moved to Australia, while my sister had just moved to Mexico. Because I was a student and the phone-rates to and from Mexico where absolutely enormous, we made the decision to meet regularly in an public online chat-room. For easy recognition she was mexfisch, while I became aufisch.

My avatar is my real initials in combination with my profession (I am a marine-biologist).

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 22, 2005
Hi Mr. SD!

Okay, here goes....my real name means "gift of God" in the Greek, and since His Word says that (1 John 4:16b) "...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.", and since He has blessed me to be a blessing to others, I thought that "lovesblessing" was a good name to go with!

My icon, well, all my pcs are Gateways, so I call them Holy Cows.....and when I make cards on them for friends and such, the logo I used on the back was that pic I found of a cow with wings....if and when I ever get enough time to make something that is accepted here at WC it would be from my invisible company known as "Holy Cow Creations!" Yeah, I know, corny! Ah but the best cows are corn fed! Well, gee, what ya want me to do, Hallmark was already taken!!!!!!!

Blessings to you!

on Jan 22, 2005
My nick is a name my family used when I was a kid, I just spelled it backwards which is a long story by its self. My avatar is that elusive item in computer instructions "Press Anykey to continue" just a sick sense of humor I guess.
on Jan 22, 2005
Koasati is the true name of my fathers tribe (Native American). The tribe is now known as the Coushatta, but I've never figured out out you get Coushatta from Koasati. (Same way you get Japan from Nippon I suppose) Anyway, when I was signing up at skinz.org in 98, I suddenly needed a 'nick'. My friends call me Wolf, but I figured that would be taken, so I went with Koasati.

The icon..... it's a pencil... just something to use until I come up with a something else.

on Jan 22, 2005
Mackintosh...a long version of Mack, which is my middle name and would have been the preferred nick to use, alas someone on WC stole it while I wasn't looking. The icon is pretty much self-explanatory, it's my right eye
on Jan 22, 2005
I think my nick is pretty obvious of what it means and it was pretty much decided a long time before i came to WC(Basically it's the same i used in IRC and ICQ for a long long time in high-school).But it just represents one small aspect of me,my "Cyberworld",this lil open window to the world of arts and crafts. Skinning is a hobby for me,that's why i don't have many uploads around here...and as a consequence not many downloads either Well i just love to be a part of this community,it's like a family to me,as far as skinning is in question. But times do change...i've changed...a lot i must say.Watching this Cyberworld in retrospect i think it's time to grow up and have a more meaningful and mature -at least ot me- nick,so i'm planning on changing it to my artistic pseudonym (the one i use for poetry and writting) which is RODON TON ANEMON in greek,i think it's translated in English as "Rose of the Winds",a bit feminine for a guy maybe,yet when viewed from my point of view (believe me it's a long 10 page essay point of view - a manifest of the choice and meaning of this particular one which is in summary a combination of mysticistic symbols and meanings in four dimensional levels) i think it's not like that at all.I'm just a bit hesitative about it,cause as Jafo told me (thank u Jafo:) ) it might have varius implications,like formating and starting all over,and i know i don't want to lose all i've built in these fine years.So i'll probably just stick to it,maybe it's the last reminescence of a premature high-school era,a reminder of who i've been and to what have i evolved.
on Jan 22, 2005
Stupendous Man... Calvin and Hobbes, I think...

My username comes from my name... ;;;
on Jan 22, 2005
My nick came as a result of when I first got on the internet and built a website using a WebTv for other people using WebTv's. I built the site to show people what they could do with them and how to do it, and since I had all these different "gizmos" for people to use on the "Web" I had to come up with a name for my site...and the rest just fell into place. As for my avatar...hey...what can I cay other than...the sixties were good to me!
on Jan 22, 2005
Mine is really boring..

Its my login name from the company i used to work for.. Roman DA (as in David A.)

Its pronunced Row Mon DUH

I Never even thought of it as a nickname until the UPS man came with a package from our head off for Rowmonduh (sounding like a um.. african american woman's name, IE: Rolonda), and no one could figure out who it was until i looked at the package and saw RomanDA. So from then on I was known as Row Mon Duh.

My icon is just a logo i came up with for my web design business (shameless plug).

Its so interesting how people come up with nicknames.

With a name like Roman i have gotten Ceasar, Greek, and all kinds of lame things. So I guess RomanDA isnt all that bad.
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