Well I gotta tell ya, some of these personal icons are awesome. Jinn Fizz and Stupendous Man are two of my favorites. I'm interested in the meaning behind them. To some it just looks cool, to some there may be some history. Also, I think I know why BoXXi's is a box, but I don't know why he's BoXXi. What makes Corky_O Corky? Why does butch have a 123 and a motorcycle? What's a Jafo? Why did sbgFX kill the Spyder?

So if you got a minute, tell us why you chose your nickname and what, if anything, your icon represents.

I won't go first this time. Someone else.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 22, 2005
As a younger kid I had a thing for pirates, was fascinated by the myths and adventures of the life of a pirate, at one point all I wanted to play with was my LEGO pirates. Now it's Sid Meier's Pirates

I got a little older and the interest for graphic design showed up, I stumpled across the expression pixel pirate in a movie or TV show and kinda made it my own, a nice blend of old childhood memories and present interest. Here I am, maiming pixels for my own pleassure and hopefully others too.

The avatar is just a part of the graphics from my website, but I think I should make a real pirate one day
on Jan 22, 2005
Pretty embarassing after reading all this but anyways my nick is my name and my icon wellll one of these days I will upload it here but not now... hehe
on Jan 22, 2005
My nickname is part of my name

My Icon is a picture of my favorite cat
on Jan 23, 2005
Fuzzy, you 'cut and pasted' that didn't you?
on Jan 23, 2005
Mine's short for ChinaCat

It's a Grateful Dead thing Purrrr...
on Jan 23, 2005
Rated P.G.
"Perfect Gentleman/Pleasing God" I try to live up to both as much as I can. Depending on which one shows up on my post, the avatar is the Air Force Symbol or the Air Force Special Operations Command Symbol.
on Jan 23, 2005
Its the AFSOC symbol. Wow I need to clean that up unless someone else is up for the challenge. As for the Rated PG, it was a logo I created for a tape of recorded songs I dedicated to a girl I took a liking to back in early high school years. I created an album cover including pictures, song lists credits, my imaginary record label, etc.
on Jan 23, 2005
Hmm, BlueDev. Pretty boring story, so here is the short version. I had stopped by the site long ago, mostly as a lurker/leecher (I admit it). Downloaded some stuff, but not much. Later I picked up Galactic Civilizations. Registered it and started a new Stardock account (don't even know what I used for the really old on). Since I am (still, ugh) a student I just picked the quick and easy one, BlueDev (short for Blue Devils). The icon is just something I mucked up in the GIMP.
on Jan 23, 2005
TasT designs/productions was a business name at one time and TasT was an Acronym. I got the name because people would call and ask for TasT and I got tired of explaining. But now the business has been sold and the acronym is no longer valid.

But, I'm still TasT! I don't think I could shake it if I wanted to.....
on Jan 24, 2005
Helenangel is my nickname because angels have always been my favourit
e creatures...I dream of them, talk about them, envy them for their beauty...
I' d love to be one of them.....I wishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
on Jan 25, 2005
No comment...
on Jan 27, 2005
Wulfn1= Wulf + one.Me and Hubby.
Wulf because "wolf" was always taken, Wolf because wolves are my talisman.
Wolves are all about family,loyalty.chain of command, teamwork and endurance.A wolf will thrive in the pack,but can survive on it's own if need be.
I am all about family, loyalty,chain of command, teamwork and endurance.I thrive within my family, but have had to strike out on my own before and survived.
Strangely enough, I ended up with a disorder very similar to Lupus (so similar they thought at first it was Lupus). Funny how a nick I chose to represent the meaning in my life ended up being so closely tied to who I really am.
My personal graphic is my nick Wulfn1,stylized into my favorite chat signature (VvvV) the wolf's grin.and Green's my favorite color.
on Jan 30, 2005
Okay mine is of the trek federation Why? It best describes me. I love science, space, oceanography, archeology, the unexplained, technology and the future so combinning all these I come up with the federation "TO GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE"

This is also why I'm here at the WC. because of computer advancement. I always look for something New, advanced and different.
on Jan 30, 2005
Its the sound when a cat sneezez in latin the icon is a self portrait
on Jan 30, 2005
Does a Latin speaking cat sneeze differently? I learn something every day on this site.

Might want to get a new Photo. The lighting is not too good on that one.
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