Well I gotta tell ya, some of these personal icons are awesome. Jinn Fizz and Stupendous Man are two of my favorites. I'm interested in the meaning behind them. To some it just looks cool, to some there may be some history. Also, I think I know why BoXXi's is a box, but I don't know why he's BoXXi. What makes Corky_O Corky? Why does butch have a 123 and a motorcycle? What's a Jafo? Why did sbgFX kill the Spyder?

So if you got a minute, tell us why you chose your nickname and what, if anything, your icon represents.

I won't go first this time. Someone else.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 09, 2005
never realized my previous icon was such a poor subconscious mimicry of the master's own; until I saw them side by side on another thread.

sorry danilo

on Feb 09, 2005
don't ever do that again!!!

long live the master!
on Feb 10, 2005
My nick is my name

danillo = danilo
O = Oliveira
c = Castro

I added a extra "L" for mail reasons.

My avatar i builded based on my Sektor WB skin.
on Mar 11, 2005
Thought I would give it a bump to see if there were any more who wanted to share.
on Apr 15, 2005
on Apr 15, 2005
on Apr 15, 2005
Meowy for the love of cats.

The user icon... Self-explanatory, used to be a cat, but decided against.
on Apr 16, 2005
HG= Honor Guard, my unit in mechwarrior mercenaries.. Eliminator= what i do to the enemys in the game...my avatar was made by my buddy and team mate BoXXi..
on May 18, 2005
oh god... I wish i could change mine, but im stuck with phazonmaster.... (i got that from being abnormally addicted to METROID... check my skins, youll find some metroid stuff) I want to change it to z3_gx, named aftere my company.
on May 18, 2005
About five years ago in the wake of some major changes in my life I suddenly developed a very strong affinity for dragons - creatures of power, strength, loyalty and honor. Mountain because I live on the slopes of Mount Shasta. The avatar is a graphic from a photo of a figurine given to me by some good friends, and he's playing a guitar because I've been a guitarist for 35+ years.
on May 18, 2005
When I first got my hands on a computer connected to the internet (after two minutes of the modem going beeep duuurh eeerph beeep duur etc. etc. each time) and started signing up on websites I used DrBrain as my nick. Can't remember any more why I choose that nick. Later on however I felt the urge for a change. I have allways been interested in strategy games and the old times, so I chose a nick that would fit within the games I played; Sir Thomas (SirThomas). However, later I adobted Sire Thomas (SireThomas) instead as I liked the sound of it better and less people had taken it. That was what I had initially signed up with as for WC. Then the last two years I've been planning my website for when I am finished with my studies and thought why present my self under a different idintity on the internet? So hence my current nick thomassen. All though I'd like my nick to be thomthom (derived from Thomas Thomassen), it was unfortunatly not availible.
on May 18, 2005
The avatar was a abstract picture I made ages ago while playing around with Photoshop, version 5 I think..-
on May 18, 2005
My new avatar has leaves in it because my backyard is just plain old woods, because I live in Maine, which is a mix Coniforus and Deciduious forest.

That's paht of da life in Maineahville.
on Sep 17, 2005
There have been some changes at WC, so I'm exhuming this. Why is Bichur a troll? Did the leaves leave Maine for Meowy? Why is Bash "Bash" and why spongeBob? There seems to be a Giger contingent too. Jafo's avatar has been 'refreshed', and blindbatty has a cat? Why not a Bat?
on Sep 17, 2005
not much changed with me.
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